- Enhancing Conjunctive Management of Surface and Groundwater Resources in Selected Transboundary Aquifers: Case Study for Selected Shared Groundwater Bodies in the Nile Basin
- Enabling Implementation of the Regional SAP for the Rational and Equitable Management of the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System (NSAS).
- Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Strategic Ecosystem Management
- SIP-Eastern Nile Transboundary Watershed Management in Support of ENSAP Implementation
- Mainstreaming Groundwater Considerations into the Integrated Management of the Nile River Basin
- Nile Transboundary Environmental Action Project, Tranche 2
- Building Partnerships to Assist Developing Countries to Reduce the Transfer of Harmful Aquatic Organisms in Ships' Ballast Water (GloBallast Partnerships)
- Formulation of an Action Programme for the Integrated Management of the Shared Nubian Aquifer
- Removal of Barriers to the Introduction of Cleaner Artisanal Mining and Extraction Technologies
- Nile Transboundary Environmental Action Project, Phase I
- Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden