Conservation International (CI)
Building upon a strong foundation of science, partnership and field demonstration, CI empowers societies to responsibly and sustainably care for nature, our global biodiversity, for the well-being of humanity.
- Expanding blue economy benefits and the conservation of critical biodiversity and ecosystem services by managing surf ecosystems
- Build back a blue and stronger Mediterranean
- Blue Nature Alliance to expand and improve conservation of 1.25 billion hectares of ocean ecosystems
- Long-term Financial Mechanism to Enhance Mediterranean MPA Management Effectiveness
- Setting the Foundations for Zero Net Loss of the Mangroves that Underpin Human Wellbeing in the North Brazil Shelf LME
- (NGI) The Meloy Fund : A Fund for Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries in Southeast Asia
- Implementation of the Strategic Plan of Ecuador Mainland Marine and Coastal Protected Areas Network
- The Coastal Fisheries Initiatives Global Partnership
- Coastal Fisheries Initiative- Latin America
- CFI: Coastal Fisheries Initiative (PROGRAM)
- Improving Mangrove Conservation across the Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape (ETPS) through Coordinated Regional and National Strategy Development and Implementation
- GEF International Waters Learning Exchange and Resources Network IW LEARN
- Improve Sustainability of Mangrove Forests and Coastal Mangrove Areas in Liberia through Protection, Planning and Livelihood Creation- as a Building Block Towards Liberia’s Marine and Costal Protected Areas
- Ocean Partnerships for Sustainable Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation - Models for Innovation and Reform
- Integrated Management of Marine and Coastal Areas of High Value for Biodiversity in Continental Ecuador
- Global Sustainable Fisheries Management and Biodiversity Conservation in the Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ)
People | |
Madeline Beattie
Project Manager
Laure Katz
Technical Director