Twinning Exchanges
Contains information on previous project twinning exchanges, and key documents for the twinning exchanges.
Inter-regional SIDS knowledge sharing on experiences and emerging lessons from Source to Sea programmatic implementation (April-July 2019)
The Pacific R2R-IWEco Twinning exercise took place in April and July 2019 where both projects had the opportunity to exchange their experiences.
Community-based coastal monitoring in the Pacific (27 Jan – 31 Jan 2019)
The GEF LME:LEARN-funded Twinning Workshop saw the sharing of issues of coastal management and monitoring in PICs and the erection of the first-ever CoastSnap station in the Pacific.
Pacific IW R2R Regional Knowledge Exchange: Improved Domestic Pig Waste Management
7-11 October 2019
The Pacific Community (SPC) is executing the Pacific Regional International Waters Ridge to Reef Project (IW R2R) sponsored by the Global Environment Facility and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme. The IW R2R Project has helped identify the Dry Litter Technology (DLT) system as an alternative means of managing pig waste at the source, a system that also produces a soil conditioning compost that in many of the low-lying atoll countries will additionally benefit food security.
Transferring Best Practices in Water Pollution Assessments (24-28 September 2018)
The Secretariat of the Global Partnership on Nutriment Management, in association with the Global Programme of Action (GPA), in co-operation with the Freshwater Ecosystems Unit of UN Environment, organized a technical exchange between experts from Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA) of the Philippines, Chilika Lake Development Authority (CDA) of India and national stakeholders concerned with preserving the environmental and water quality of Lake Naivasha in Kenya. This exchange was to facilitate the development of an Ecosystem Health Report Card (EHRC) in a replication effort for Lake Naivasha, based on work undertaken in India and the Philippines as part of the GEF-Global Nutrient Cycle Project, that is executed by the Global Programme of Action with oversight by the Steering Committee of the GPNM.
River Basin Technical Training (31 May 2018)
GEF IW:LEARN, DHI and the International Water Association (IWA) organised a training in Geneva, Switzerland on 31 May 2018. The learning exchange provided insight into the developed applications supporting basin and catchment organisations with river basin planning related tasks and build capacity to use the developed applications within river basins.
Gulf of Mexico Marine Protected Areas Network (26-27 April 2018)
26-27 April 2018
The Gulf of Mexico Large Marine Ecosystem (GoM-LME) is one of the most productive LMEs in the world. It covers over 1.6 million square km and is bordered by three countries—the U.S., Mexico, and Cuba. Marine protected areas (MPAs) are the references for the strategies used to protect the GoM’s ecosystem and manage its resources. However, the interconnections within the Gulf ecosystem mean that its MPAs do not function in ecological isolation. The currents that flow from the Caribbean through the Gulf of Mexico and into the Atlantic physically connect the U.S. with the marine environments that lie upstream in Cuba and Mexico. Fish, sea turtles, whales and sharks migrate between US, Cuba and Mexican waters in the Gulf. International cooperation in ocean conservation issues is therefore an essential part of protecting the ecological integrity of marine protected areas in all three nations. This importance of international cooperation is what drove GoM-LME project staff and partners to create the Gulf of Mexico Marine Protected Area Network (GOMMPAN), also known as RedGolfo.
How to manage IW projects working on ecosystems restoration (Kura-Dniester Twinning, 4-5 June 2018)
The Kura River basin (shared by Turkey, Georgia and Azerbaijan) is very much advanced from the perspective of the implementation of the GEF TDA/SAP methodology (working on an SPA update) and the Dniester River basin (Poland, Ukraine and Moldova) is at its initial project stage (TDA development). The vast experience from the Kura, particularly, on the project management and implementation could be of great value to the Dniester project.
Addressing the challenges of coastal erosion (19-23 February 2018)
The exchange opportunity between the West African Coastal Observation Mission (WACOM) hosted in CSE (Dakar, Senegal) and the GEF Project on Côte d’Ivoire Coastal area Environmental Management Information System (EMIS) aimed to strengthen the capacity of the EMIS project team in charge of the management of the Geoportal through experiences sharing with respect to coastal data and information management, and foster Integrated Coastal zone Management (ICM) data and information sharing between Côte d’Ivoire (through the Geoportal) and the WACOM.
Taking action in transboundary basins (14 December 2017)
A 1 day workshop was organised with support from UNECE, WMO and GEF IW:LEARN on the 13th December convening a number of basin level representatives in particular ongoing GEF IW projects.
Creating a trilateral cooperation between Cuba, Mexico and the USA
28 November 2017
This twinning was important to bring all the key partners into the Gulf of Mexico LME, creating an opportunity to help the three countries engage in the objectives envisioned for the Large Marine Ecosystem, the environmental quality objectives (improve water quality, avoid depletion and recover living marine resources) and restore the quality of coastal and marine ecosystem through community involvement and enhanced cooperation.
From the Amazon Basin to the Caribbean Sea (7-13 May 2017)
Moving forward in managing the impacts of climate change and amazon sediment/nutrient discharge and building resilience of vulnerable coastal ecosystems and communities.
Indonesian Sea LME Twinning Exchange (26-26 April 2017)
Twinning Exchange of GEF IW projects operating in the Indonesian Sea to discuss best practices in the technical and operational areas and to discuss the prospect of a future Indonesian Sea LME project.
Transboundary Basin Commission Exchange
(5-7 December, 2012)
Twinning exchange to share best practices in developing and operating a transboundary basin commission.
Transboundary Basin Commission Exchange (5-7 December, 2012)
CTI Knowledge Management Exchange
(March, 2012)
Twinning exchange to enhance knowledge management, communication and integration with IW:LEARN services in the Coral Triangle Initiative.
CTI Knowledge Management Exchange (March, 2012)
Mariculture Twinning Exchange
(Feb 2011)
Twinning Exchange to share best practices in multi-trophic mariculture
Mariculture (Feb 2011)
Governance and Leadership Twinning Exchange
(5-11 May, 2011)
Twinning Exchange to enhance understanding of governance of international waters among IW Stakeholders with the use of experiential learning tools
Governance and Leadership (5-11 May, 2011)
Nutrient Reduction Best Practices Twinning
(October 2010)
Twinning exchange to share best practices on nutrient reduction in Central and Eastern Europe
Nutrient Reduction Best Practices (October 2010)
Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation Twinning
(2-5 March 2009)
Twinning was aimed at assisting IW projects and commissions come up with ways to incorporate climate change consideration in strategic planning and implementation of transboundary water resources management
Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation Workshop (2-5 March 2009)
SAP Implementation and Nutrient Reduction Twinning
(23-27 March 2009)
The SAP Implementation and Nutrient Reduction Twinning was aimed at increasing understanding about the implementation of the SAP with national agencies
SAP Implementation and Nutrient Reduction (23-27 March 2009)
Large Marine Ecosystem Governance Twinning
(22 March - 01 April 2009)
The LME Governance Twinning had the objectives of sharing best practices from the Benguela Current to inform the preparation of the Humboldt Current project.
Large Marine Ecosystem Governance (22 March - 01 April 2009)
Stakeholder Engagement Twinning
(25-28 March 2008)
Targeted Workshop on Stakeholder Engagement (25-28 March 2008)
Understanding the TDA/SAP Process Twinning
(3-12 May 2008)
Understanding the TDA/SAP Process (3-12 May 2008)
Wetland Restoration and Management Twinning
(21-23 May 2008)
Wetland Restoration and Management (21-23 May 2008)
Inter-Basin Cooperation, Commission Support and TDA-SAP Twinning
(13-20 July 2008)
Inter-Basin Cooperation, Commission Support and TDA-SAP (13-20 July 2008)
Integrated Management of Shared Lake Basins Twinning
(16-18 July 2008)
Targeted Workshop on Integrated Management of Shared Lake Basins (16-18 July 2008)
Groundwater Learning Exchange and Study Tour
(16-26 April 2007)
Groundwater Learning Exchange and Study Tour (16-26 April 2007)
Web 2.0 Technologies and Communities of Practice Twinning
(22-23 August 2007)
Web 2.0 Technologies & Communities of Practice (22-23 August 2007)
Coastal Zone and Tourism Management Twinning
(4-6 December 2006)
Coastal Zone and Tourism Management (4-6 December 2006)
Promoting Partnerships Twinning
(September 1-16, 2003)
Promoting Partnerships (September 1-16, 2003)
Public Participation and Commissions Twinning
(26 November – 3 December 2003)
Public Participation & Commissions (26 November – 3 December 2003)
Information Management Twinning
(October 20 to 24, 2003)
Information Management (October 20 to 24, 2003)
(November 2003)
Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem/Western Central Pacific Inter-Project Exchange (November 2003)
Public Participation Twinning
(1st December 2003 – 21st December 2003)
Public Participation (1st December 2003 – 21st December 2003)
Replication Strategy Twinning
Dr Natasha Stacey, Pacific Fisheries Project (SPREP)