Information Management Twinning
- Patricia Himschoot, La Plata Project
- San Juan River Basin project
The general purpose of the exchange was to share information management, and databases experience and expertise at the operational level between PROCUENCA and FREPLATA.
FREPLATA was interested in the Institutional Mapping Tool developed by PROCUENCA. This tool will permit to systematize the role and the relationships among the multiple actors related to the Rio de la Plata and its Maritime Front, and that, besides being a contribution in itself, will support the formulation of the SAP and the following of activities and advances of the Project.
PROCUENCA was interested in getting the application for the Legal Instruments Management Virtual Library (application for the systematisation of bibliographic references), and the Internet Map Management Tool, all developed by FREPLATA.
At the same time, and due to the fact that we are beginning to implement the Management and Decision Making System, the exchange of experiences with PROCUENCA will make this process easier and will also bring issues of common support.
The FREPLATA Project is concluding its Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis and has begun many of the SAP activities. Regarding the Integrated Information System (one of the main products of the Project), the Geographic Information System and the Virtual Centre (web site) has already been implemented, and we are starting to design the Management and Decision Making System. Therefore, at this moment, to count with an institutional mapping tool that permits efficiently systematizing the activities and advances of the Project and of the institutions related to it, will allow the management of this information and will constitute a support tool for the SAP.