Nutrient Reduction Twinning 06
Participants & Projects Involved (IWL Share: approximately 60%)
- Supported projects: Oumer Ould Aly (Niger River), Kurt Roos (East Asia Livestock), Adrian Ross (Partnership for East Asian Seas)
- Other projects in attendance: Turkey, Romania Agricultural Pollution Control Projects, Bulgaria Wetlands, Serbia Danube Enterprise Pollution Reduction, Georgia Agriculture, Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and the Danube River Regonal
Host Institution
- Alexandru Jolondvischi and Silvia Pana-Carp, Moldova Agricultural Pollution Control Project
Other Funding Partners
- Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, R. Moldova, Global Environment Facility (GEF), United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the World Bank (IBRD)
Introduction, Purpose: Why an Exchange
The purpose of the conference was to examine methodologies to measure results and project potential catalytic effects of nutrient reduction activities. Furthermore, conference organizers intended for the conference to explore how nutrient reduction indicators can be scaled-up from the project level to the national, regional and basin-wide levels. Finally, a more tacit purpose included gathering stakeholders of the UNDP and World Bank’s Danube / Black Sea Strategic Partnership’s GEF project portfolio to share experiences and innovative practices.
- The conference aimed to deliver a set of recommendations on the types of indicators which can be utilized to measure results of the Partnership’s attempt to reduce the impact of nutrient pollution, in particular on the Danube River and Black Sea. [Meeting Report] [Presentations, etc.]
- Improved networking, coordination and experience sharing among the stakeholders of the Black Sea - Danube strategic partnership.