5.2 - Planning the TDA/SAP process
Crucial to the development of an effective TDA and SAP is the planning process that underpins it. Each project will manage the TDA and SAP development processes differently.
This Manual describes a simple stepwise process for planning for and managing the TDA and the SAP based on the experiences of a number of projects over the last 8 years. Its intention is not to be prescriptive, rather to give an indication of the planning and management activities required. It is divided in two Subsections:
1. Key planning steps for the TDA development phase
- Create workplan and budget
- Form TDA development team and hire consultants
- Training workshop on the TDA/SAP process
- TDA launch meeting
- Causal chain analysis workshop
- Development of thematic reports
- Thematic report meeting
- Drafting the TDA
- Final TDA review meeting
- Adoption by steering committee
2. Key planning steps for the SAP development phase
- Develop SAP workplan and budget
- Form SAP development team and hire consultants
- Training workshop on the SAP process
- Strategic thinking meeting 1: Visions and Goals
- Strategic thinking meeting 2: Ideas, Opportunities and Options
- National and regional consultation process
- SAP Action Planning meeting
- Drafting the SAP
- Final SAP review meeting
- SAP endorsement
It also introduces checklists of actions that are required during the TDA and SAP phases with an indication of who is likely to be the lead individual or organisation for the action, who else is involved and who approves the action.
Managing Expectations
One aspect of project management undertaken during the TDA/SAP is about managing expectations. The complexity and level of detail of the TDA and SAP developed during the project will be a reflection of the time, funds and human resources available and it may be necessary to carefully manage the expectations of not only project staff and TDA/SAP Development Team members but also the steering committee, key stakeholders in the participating countries and the respective implementing and executing agencies.
More details on managing expectations can be found in the Project Management Manual.