See also the collection of LME Classics

Filter: project-identification-form
25 Oct 2023 - project-identification-form - project: 10685 - English Build back a blue and stronger Mediterranean PIF
Project Objective: Strong, effective, and sustainable management of Mediterranean MPAs to address global changes and to provide long-term socio-ecological benefits in the Mediterranean in a post-COVID recovery context.
09 Oct 2023 - project-identification-form - project: 10573 - English Blue Horizon: Ocean Relief through Seaweed Aquaculture PIF
The project will work at the global, regional, and national level to strengthen and develop seaweed value chains. The project will work in the South China Sea,and will be aligned with the Strategic Action Plan. More specifically, the project will work in the coastal and marine ecosystems of Viet Nam and Philippines,where potential for the expansion of seaweed aquaculture and seaweed aquaculture value chains exists. Seaweed farming is growing as a lucrative businessin coastal provinces - farme...
26 Jun 2019 - project-identification-form - project: 4690 - English CCRES Project Booklet
The CCRES Project Development Objective is to design and support the uptake of innovative models for valuing mangrove, seagrass and coral reef ecosystem services with the potential to enhance the sustainability of marine-based enterprise and marine spatial planning in select coastal communities in Indonesia and the Philippines.
26 Jun 2019 - project-identification-form - project: 4690 CCRES Project Booklet (Bahasa Indonesia)
The CCRES Project Development Objective is to design and support the uptake of innovative models for valuing mangrove, seagrass and coral reef ecosystem services with the potential to enhance the sustainability of marine-based enterprise and marine spatial planning in select coastal communities in Indonesia and the Philippines.
18 Dec 2018 - project-identification-form - project: 4660 - English [ABNJ Deep Sea and Biodiversity] The Common Oceans ABNJ Deep Seas Project Brochure
Adressing the need to enhance sustainability in the use of deep-sea living resources and biodiversity conservation in in the ABNJ, is the Common Oceans ABNJ Deep Seas Project, one of the Projects of the Global sustainable fisheries management and biodiversity conservation in the ABNJ Program (Common Oceans ABNJ Program), supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The Project, led by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UN-FAO) and United Nations Environment (...
22 Sep 2014 - project-identification-form - project: 6952 - English [GOM LME SAP] Project Identification Form: Implementation of the Strategic Action Program of the Gulf of Mexico Large Marine Ecosystem
The project identification form for the GEF Trust Fund of the GOM LME SAP project.
23 May 2014 - project-identification-form - project: 5753 Realizing the Inclusive and Sustainable Development in the BCLME Region through the Improved Ocean Governance and the Integrated Management of Ocean Use and Marine Resources
The Project aims to realize the long-term conservation, protection, rehabilitation, enhancement and sustainable use of the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem to provide economic, environmental and social benefits and well-being of people in the BCLME region.
15 May 2014 - project-identification-form - project: 5768 Sustainable Management of the Indonesian Seas - PIF Document
Facilitate the implementation of ecosystem approaches to fisheries and coastal management (EAFM/EBM) in the Indonesian Seas Large Marine Ecosystem (ISLME) to ensure the sustainable development of ecosystem resources through a TDA/SAP
14 May 2014 - project-identification-form - project: 5538 South China Sea SAP - PIF Document
Project Objective: To assist countries in meeting the targets of the approved Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for the marine and coastal environment of the South China Sea (SCS) through implementation of the National Action Plans in support of the SAP, and strengthening regional co-ordination for SCS SAP implementation.
05 Jul 2024 - project-identification-form - project: 10919 - English PF Enhancing capacity for the adoption and implementation of EAF in the shrimp and groundfish fisheries of the North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem (EAf4SG)
05 Jul 2024 - project-identification-form - project: 10857 - English PIF Strategies, technologies and social solutions to manage bycatch in tropical Large Marine Ecosystem Fisheries (REBYC-III CLME+)
To manage bycatch and reduce discards in the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems (CLME+) thereby promoting sustainable and responsible fisheries that provide economic opportunities while ensuring the conservation of marine living resources, supporting country implementation of the CLME+ SAP, and with successful solutions for potential scale up to other LMEs
05 Jul 2024 - project-identification-form - project: 10794 - English PIF Enhancing Environmental Security and Transboundary Cooperation in the Golok/Kolok River Basin
The project will improve transboundary management of flood risks and erosion processes, and develop jointly agreed and evidence-based investment plans that will be needed to reverse degradation trends and enhance environmental security in the Golok/Kolok River Basin.
21 Jun 2024 - project-identification-form - project: 11011 - English 11011 Mainstreaming Sustainable Marine Fisheries Value Chains into the Blue Economy of the Canary Current and the Pacific Central American Coastal Large Marine Ecosystems PIF
To mainstream ecological and social aspects of sustainability to foster sustainable fisheries production and improved wellbeing of coastal communities in support of emerging Blue Economies in the Canary Current and the Pacific Central American Coastal Large Marine Ecosystems.
21 Jun 2024 - project-identification-form - project: 10890 - English 10890 Global Partnership for Mitigation of Underwater Noise from Shipping (GloNoise Partnership) PIF
To establish a truly global partnership to engage and assist developing countries to raise awareness, build capacity, define baselines and promote international policy dialogue on the mitigation of underwater noise from shipping.
21 Jun 2024 - project-identification-form - project: 10881 - English 10881 Implementing the Strategic Action Programme of the Drin Basin to Strengthen Transboundary Cooperation and Enable Integrated Natural Resources Management
Advance integrated natural resources management and sustainable development in the Drin River Basin and its coastal and marine areas by supporting the implementation of the Strategic Action Program (SAP) agreed upon by the Riparians.
21 Jun 2024 - project-identification-form - project: 10873 - English 10783 Effectively Managing Networks of Marine Protected Areas in Large Marine Ecosystems in the ASEAN Region (ASEAN ENMAPS)
Investment Mobilized from the Philippine government is the amount earmarked for the construction of the Tubbataha Reef National Park (TRNP) Ranger Station. Investment Mobilized from the CSO, Saguda Palawan, Inc. covers funds from various non-government sources (i.e. philanthropic organizations, grant mechanisms of international organizations and private companies, and other donors) that are downloaded to and managed by Saguda to support activities in the TRNP. These funds are allocated for sp...
21 Jun 2024 - project-identification-form - project: 10865 - English 10865 Supporting Sustainable Inclusive Blue Economy Transformation in AIO SIDS PIF
To achieve integrated, cross sectoral sustainable management of the Blue Economy in African SIDS through improved blue governance to build resilient communities and conserve coastal and marine ecosystem services.
21 Jun 2024 - project-identification-form - project: 10805 - English 10805 Advancing transboundary co-operation and Integrated Water Resources Management in the Dniester River Basin through implementation of the Strategic Action Programme (SAP)_PIF
21 Jun 2024 - project-identification-form - project: 10565 - English 10565 Enhanced Water Security and Community Resilience in the Adjacent Cuvelai and Kunene Transboundary River Basins PIF
To strengthen the water security and resilient livelihoods of the populations in the adjacent Kunene and Cuvelai river basins through improved transboundary and conjunctive water resources management.
21 Jun 2024 - project-identification-form - project: 10970 - English 10970 Groundwater for Deep Resilience in Africa (G4DR in Africa) PIF
To enhance water security and resilience in Africa by unlocking the potential of sustainable groundwater development and protection.




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