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25 Nov 2021
- report
- project: 9545
- English
Assessment of the Ecological Status and MSP preliminary initial assessment in VloraMarine Area (Albania) in the framework of the MSP Pilot Project supported by the Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea (IMELS) within the cooperation The present Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) study is elaborated within the framework of the IMAP, the ICZM Protocol and the MSP Decision (Decision on the MSP Conceptual Framework) and are part of the MSP Pilot Project “MSP Pilot project in synergy with SUPREME and GEF Adriatic projects outcomes and to strengthen the EUSAIR Strategy, to be developed into the Adriatic relevant marine areas, subject to major pressures” implemented within the Bilateral Cooperation Contract with the Italian Ministry... |
25 Nov 2021
- report
- project: 9545
- English
Policy document: MSP for Montenegro The first MSP for Montenegro, with proposals of sea use zones and regimes for environmental protection, rehabilitation and uses. |
22 Apr 2021
- report
- project: 4580
- English
Not a drop in the ocean: Key successes of the Common Oceans ABNJ Program This report presents the results obtained by the Common Oceans ABNJ Program between 2014-2019. It highlights the value, importance and benefits of sustainably managing fisheries and biodiversity conservation in the ABNJ, and how the collateral impact of fishing is less harmful to the marine environment now than when the program started out in 2014. |
29 Aug 2020
- report
- project: 4940
- English
[WIOSAP] 25 February 2020: Inception Workshop Report for the Government of Comoros, Moroni The overall objective of the meeting was to formally launch and operationalize the NIC for Comoros, while the specific objectives were to: Report on the progress of the WIOSAP Project since inception to the NIC members; Seek for any further stakeholder input into the proposal as will be led by the lead institution; Enhance awareness of the MPA Outlook chapter for the country and the link with the proposed project in 2 above on MPAs management planning. |
29 Aug 2020
- report
- project: 4940
- English
[WIOSAP] Nairobi Convention Secretariat Report The Nairobi Convention Secretariat engaged an expert in data content creation, metadata development, data analysis, visualization and management for the Nairobi Convention Website and the Nairobi Convention Clearinghouse. The expert was to ensure that the two online platforms website have the relevant contextualized data and knowledge to support the Convention’s programme of work and its related projects; 'Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the protection of the Western Indi... |
29 Aug 2020
- report
- project: 4940
- English
[WIOSAP] Improvement of Ecosystem Health and Water Quality by Implementing A Source to Sea Based Approach to Tackle Marine Litter in Five Priority River Systems in Durban, KwazuluNatal, South Africa Technical Report The Nairobi Convention Secretariat (NCS) undertook a pre-project visit from 6-7 February 2020 to meet with project proponents, partners, and communities to gain first-hand information about the problem that the project intends to address, mechanisms and approaches to be used, how the identified issues are associated with the livelihoods of beneficiaries, and what benefits the project will bring them. The NCS conducted a “due diligence” to ensure proponents have and will consider community sen... |
29 Aug 2020
- report
- project: 4940
- English
[WIOSAP] Seagrass Restoration for Sustainable Shellfish Fisheries and Drafting of A Management Action Plan Technical Report The Nairobi Convention Secretariat (NCS) undertook a pre-project visit from 13 to 14 January 2020 to meet with project proponents, partners, and communities to gain first-hand information about the problem that the project intends to address, mechanisms and approaches to be used, how the identified issues are associated with the livelihoods of beneficiaries, and what benefits the project will bring them. The NCS conducted a “due diligence” to ensure proponents have and will consider community... |
29 Aug 2020
- report
- project: 4940
- English
[WIOSAP] Improvements in Marine Water Quality Through Enhanced Estuarine Management Technical Report The Nairobi Convention Secretariat (NCS) undertook a pre-project visit from 4 to 5 February 2020 to meet with project proponents, partners, and communities to gain first-hand information about the problem that the project intends to address, mechanisms and approaches to be used, how the identified issues are associated with the livelihoods of beneficiaries, and what benefits the project will bring them. The NCS conducted a “due diligence” to ensure proponents have and will consider community ... |
29 Aug 2020
- report
- project: 4940
- English
[WIOSAP] United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development Workshop Report This workshop gathered ocean leaders, champions and key stakeholders and facilitated regional, interdisciplinary discussions across different sectors and industries to identify concrete deliverables and partnerships to meet the Decade's six societal outcomes. Discussions were centered on regional needs and priorities in terms of transforming knowledge systems, accelerating transfer of technology, enabling training and education, and fostering science-policy dialogues and thus ensure considera... |
18 May 2020
- report
- project: 4660
- English
[ABNJ Deep Sea and Biodiversity] Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction Deep Seas Project Fourth Project Steering Committee Meeting Report The fourth meeting of the ABNJ Deep Seas Project Steering Committee (PSC4) was held in SaintDenis, Reunion from 23–25 January 2019, with the cooperation of the SIOFA Secretariat. The meeting was attended by representatives of eight project partners, including six regional bodies. The list of participants is attached as Appendix 1. The primary objectives of the PSC were to review the Project’s progress, to agree on actions and activities to be undertaken prior to the project’s closure and to d... |
18 May 2020
- report
- project: 4660
- English
[ABNJ Deep Sea and Biodiversity] Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction Deep Seas Project Second Project Steering Committee Meeting Report The second Project Steering Committee meeting of the ABNJ Deep Seas Project was held in Rome, Italy from 7–9 February 2017. The meeting was attended by representatives of 18 project partners (Published in 2017). |
15 May 2020
- report
- project: 4856
- English
[ABNJ Ocean Partnerships] Current Knowledge, Key Uncertainties and Future Research Directions for Defining the Stock Structure of Skipjack, Yellowfin, Bigeye and South Pacific Albacore Tunas in the Pacific Ocean Tuna are the focus of significant fisheries in the Pacific Ocean, with landings of four species (skipjack tuna, yellowfin tuna, bigeye tuna and albacore tuna) constituting approximately 70% of the global tuna catch. Stock assessments for skipjack, yellowfin, bigeye and South Pacific albacore tunas in the Pacific Ocean currently assume eastern and western stocks, a split that reflects historical development of fishery management in the region rather than biological considerations (Published on... |
15 May 2020
- report
- project: 4856
- English
[ABNJ Ocean Partnerships] A Business Case for Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS) for the Yellowfin Tuna Fishery in the Bay of Bengal The objective of the following report is to present a business case focusing on the identification and assessment of opportunities for investment in Yellow Fin Tuna (YFT) monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) within India’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) in the Bay of Bengal, which might be attractive to either (or both) private or public investors (Published in 2018). |
15 May 2020
- report
- project: 4856
- English
[ABNJ Ocean Partnerships] A Business Case for Co-Management Arrangements for the Yellowfin Tuna Fishery in the Union Territory of Puducherry This report presents the business case for investment in co-management arrangements in the yellowfin tuna (YFT) fishery in the Union Territory of Puducherry (UTP), South India. It suggests that an investment of around 3.8 million US$ in such arrangements would significantly increase the value created by fishing for YFT in the UPT, generating benefits and returns for investors, fishers, fish processors and for the wider community (Published in 2018). |
15 May 2020
- report
- project: 4582
- English
[ABNJ Strengthening Capacity] Linking Global and Regional Levels in the Management of Marine Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ) Summary Workshop Report The workshop aimed to assess knowledge, ongoing trends and efforts at national/regional and global levels, and available capacity relevant to sustainable management of fisheries and biodiversity conservation in ABNJ; exploring, in particular, the implications of these for the FAO/GEF Common Oceans Program; etc (Published in 2016). |
15 May 2020
- report
- project: 4582
- English
[ABNJ Strengthening Capacity] Capacity Development to Improve the Management of Marine Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ): Needs, Experiences, Options, and Opportunities Workshop Report This report is organized into sections which draw on the six sessions that took place during the workshop. Each section provides an overview of the remarks made during the session or sessions relevant to the topic of that section and, where applicable, the discussion that followed (Published in 2017). |
14 May 2020
- report
- project: 4582
- English
[ABNJ Strengthening Capacity] 2015-2016 ABNJ Regional Leaders Program at the United Nations Summary Report The ABNJ Regional Leaders Program promotes knowledge sharing and leadership development regarding marine areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ) among regional and national ocean leaders (Published in 2016). |
27 Jan 2020
- report
- English
[DIM GEF Marine Projects Metadata Catalogue] East Asian Seas This is a review and compilation of GEF LME project web-sites, tools and reports in relation to data and information management, as well as other key LME partners data and information websites. (Version: 27 Nov 2019) |
27 Jan 2020
- report
- English
[Bali DIM Workshop] Workshop Report The Asian Regional Workshop on Data and Information Management, which took place on 2 - 4 December 2019 in Bali, served as a regional echo -workshop to share the learning highlights from the LME:LEARN Data and Information Management: Working Group Meeting and Training that was held in Paris, France from 2 to 4 July 2019 and also a venue to promote DIM best practices, tools and discuss on common set of LME indicators for coordinated reporting. |
27 Jan 2020
- report
- English
[Paris DIM Workshop] LME:LEARN Data and Information Management: Working Group Meeting and Training Report The meeting, which took place on 2 - 4 July 2019 in Paris, discussed the longer term strategy for data and information management (DIM) and looked beyond the scope of the current LME:LEARN projects. The final part of the meeting centered on a training provided by LME:LEARN partners on actual spatial data and information management tools. The DIM meeting consists of both a workshop and training sessions. It was jointly organized by GEF LME-LEARN, in partnership with UNDP and IOC-UNESCO. |