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Filter: workshop
18 Oct 2023 - workshop - project: 10685 - French Efficacité de la gestion des Aires Marines Protégées Actes d'atelier
Atelier régional d’échange d’expériences du réseau MedPAN Du 25 au 27 octobre 2022 - Petrovac, Monténégro et en ligne
18 Oct 2023 - workshop - project: 10685 - English Efficiency of the management of Marine Protected Areas: Workshop acts
Regional experience exchange workshop of the MedPAN network From October 25 to 27, 2022 - Petrovac, Montenegro and online
03 Jan 2019 - workshop - project: 4856 - English [ABNJ Ocean Partnerships] Current Knowledge, Key Uncertainties and Future Research Directions for Defining the Stock Structure of Skipjack, Yellowfin, Bigeye and South Pacific Albacore Tunas in the Pacific Ocean (Information Paper)
A recent workshop organised by the Pacific Community has made significant progress in identifying the likelihood that each of the four tropical tuna species is comprised of separate stocks (self-replenishing populations). The workshop also identified the investments needed to identify the number, size, distribution and behaviour of all stocks comprising a tuna species in a Pacific Ocean context, and developed a strategic plan to implement this foundational research. The workshop and subsequen...
03 Jan 2019 - workshop - project: 4856 - English [ABNJ Ocean Partnerships] Current Knowledge, Key Uncertainties and Future Research Directions for Defining the Stock Structure of Skipjack, Yellowfin, Bigeye and South Pacific Albacore Tunas in the Pacific Ocean (Workshop Report)
Tuna are the focus of significant fisheries in the Pacific Ocean, with landings of four species (skipjack tuna, yellowfin tuna, bigeye tuna and albacore tuna) constituting approximately 70% of the global tuna catch. Stock assessments for skipjack, yellowfin, bigeye and South Pacific albacore tunas in the Pacific Ocean currently assume eastern and western stocks, a split that reflects historical development of fishery management in the region rather than biological considerations. There is wid...




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