Ocean Yearbook Call for Papers and Student Prize
Ocean Yearbook: Call for research papers submission deadline: March 31, 2019
The Ocean Yearbook is the major publication of the International Ocean Institute, which is published by Brill Nijhoff Publishers in cooperation with the Marine & Environmental Law Institute at the Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada. Articles on issues and prospects, ocean governance, living resources of the ocean, non-living ocean resources, transportation and communications, environment and coastal management, maritime security, military activities, regional developments, training and education, and ocean polar issues will be considered for Volume 34.
Ocean Yearbook Student Prize 2019: Deadline for submission of research papers: May 13, 2019
The Ocean Yearbook Student Prize is an annual competition open to students writing research papers on marine affairs subjects at any university or other tertiary education institution. The paper of the 2019 Ocean Yearbook Student Prize winner will be offered publication acceptance in Volume 34, to be published in 2019.
The deadline for submissions is the end of the business day on 13 May 2019, with results being announced by 15 July 2019. Papers should be submitted electronically in Word or Wordperfect and also as a hard copy. All enquiries and paper submissions should be directed to the Co-Editor, Ocean Yearbook Editorial Office.