Baltic Sea Regional Project (BSRP), Phase I

The objective of the GEF Baltic Sea Regional Project (BSRP) is to introduce ecosystem-based assessments to strengthen the management of Baltic Sea coastal and marine environments through regional cooperation and targeted, transboundary marine and watershed activities, with a view to reducing impacts from non-point sources of pollution and to increasing sustainable biological production.

The proposed Project supports the JCP and provides linkages with country activities. It is consistent with GEF global environmental policy to contribute significantly to "reducing stress to [the] international waters environment" by integrating sound land and water resource management strategies through a more favourable political and regulatory climate and activities that promote sustainable development. The Project's long-term goal is for the three international commissions- HELCOM (the Helsinki Commission), the International Baltic Sea Fishery Commission (IBSFC), and the International Council for Exploration of the Sea (ICES)-to utilize project-developed management tools for sustainable ecosystem management, and to contribute to the improvements in the social and economic benefits of the ecosystem to the coastal fishing and farming communities in the recipient countries.

Project Components.

The Project has four major components and will be implemented as an integrated activity coordinated by HELCOM, as the principal executing agency:

The first Component, named Baltic Sea Large Marine Ecosystem Activities, will be managed by ICES and aims to enable (or facilitate) the following activities: ecosystem-based assessments and management for the Baltic Sea; coordination and integration of the regional monitoring and assessment capacity; improved management practices to increase and sustain fishery yields and biological productivity of the BSLME; in the long term, improvement of the Baltic marine environment as well as the economic benefits and standard of living of the fishing and coastal communities.

The second Component, named Land and Coastal Management Activities, will be managed by HELCOM in conjunction with the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), and aims to: increase awareness of environmental issues related to agriculture among farmers and communities; invest in and implement environmentally responsible farm management practices; undertake demonstration coastal zone management activities in priority areas linked with the activities for agriculture; in the long term, improve the economic welfare and standard of living within the farming and coastal communities while reducing non-point source agricultural impacts.

The third Component, named Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building, is managed by HELCOM in cooperation with ICES and IBSFC and aims to: improve the valuation of ecosystem goods and services; strengthen local and regional decision-making and management capacity: achieve a more integrated approach to ecosystem-based management of the BSLME

The fourth Component, named Project Management, is managed by HELCOM in cooperation with ICES and IBSFC and aims to: successfully implement the BSRP to achieve the stated development objective; provide support for the project management; fulfill accounting, auditing and reporting requirements; perform project monitoring and evaluation for report to the World Bank; Strengthened regional management and technical capacity will provide a series of beneficial outcomes, not only at the regional level, but also at the national and local levels, and will contribute to sustainable management of the Baltic Sea ecosystem.

Status of Project Preparation.

The Project preparation is supported by the GEF Block B Grant, which commenced February 2000. The BSRP Core Group is composed of members from the commissions, ICES, IBSFC, and HELCOM, which will execute the project on behalf of the recipient countries, with assistance from UNDP, the World Bank, Baltic21, NOAA, and WWF. The Core Group has now developed the framework and required documentation. The budget for the BSRP for the period 2002 - 2007 will be 40 million US$ of which the GEF contribution will be 18 million US$. During its March 2001 meeting the GEF approved the project and their financial support. The Core Group is now securing additional funds and the project will start 1 July 2002.

Large Marine Ecosystem

Baltic Sea (LME)


Documents & Resources
General information
GEF ID 922
IBRD ID 48795
Project type Full-Size Project
Status closed (Project Closure)
Start Date 25 Feb 2003
End Date 30 Jun 2007
GEF characteristic:
GEF Allocation to project USD 5,500,000
Total Cost of the project: USD 12,100,000
YES - See results data (922)
Estonia , Latvia , Lithuania , Russian Federation , Regional

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (WB)

Project contacts
Jan Thulin Director/Coordinator of the GEF/BSRP
Kaj Forius Professional Secretary
Jukka Leppänen Professional Secretary
Kaj Granholm BSRP Project Assistant
staffan Staffan Lund Component Coordinator (C2)
Mieczyslaw Ostojsk Executive Secretary
William Sutton Task Team Leader