Webinar: Groundwater and International Law - December 11, 2013
3900 - MENARID GEF IW:LEARN: Strengthening IW Portfolio Delivery and Impact
03 Dec 2018
Groundwater International Water Management
This webinar is part of a series of online workshops jointly organized by UNESCO-IHP and IGRAC in the framework of the GEF IWLEARN Proejct. Multiple participants from anywhere in the world are invited to exchange and discuss gorundwater-related issues. For more informations please visit: http://groundwatercop.iwlearn.net/Web... Agenda: -"Introduction to series of webinars and GEF IW-LEARN" by Kirstin Conti -"The Draft Articles on the Law of Transboundary Aquifers" by Gabriel Eckstein -"The Role of National Groundwater Law in the International Sphere?" by Stefano Burchi -"The UNECE Water Convention" by Annukka Lipponen -Moderated discussion with participants -Closing Discussion Questions: 1. What are your views on the emergence of 'international groundwater law'? How do you think it is relevant to groundwater governance? 2. In your opinion, what are the challenges of creating and implementing groundwater law at the local, national or international level? 3. How do you think groundwater law could help improve access to water for human needs and/or fulfill a 'human right to water'? How can it protect and preserve groundwater systems at the same time?