29 November - 1 December 2017 | LME19 MEETING
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The Annual meeting was preceded by the Partnership Meeting “Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ecosystem Approaches in Support of Regional Ocean Governance” (27 – 28 November 2017).
The primary objective of the Annual Meeting was to provide a global forum for GEF-funded marine and coastal leaders and institutions, aimed at sharing experiences and lessons with respect to ecosystem-based governance. The Annual LME Consultation contributes to the development of the LME Partnership by engaging marine, coastal, biodiversity and coastal climate change adaptation project leaders in meeting those objectives, in accordance with the GEF LME: LEARN project.
More specifically, the meeting aims at:
- Fostering a mutually supportive global network of leaders and institutions engaged in marine and coastal ecosystem based management by providing a forum for project (i.e. LME, ICM, MPA, others) leaders to discuss experiences and lessons learned;
- Mobilizing knowledge resources, new scientific applications and tools to support project implementation and organizational action related to priority knowledge topics;
- Reviewing marine and coastal project progress in regions, disseminating best practices amongst projects, and discuss emerging issues requiring common responses; and
- Discussing and disseminating the results of works conducted by the GEF LME:LEARN project, in particular through the partners and individuals involved in its working groups on governance, data and information management and ecosystem-based management.
Presentations and Meeting Content
1 - Opening Session
Objectives and structure of the LME19 Annual Consultative Meeting
Ivica Trumbic, GEF LME:LEARN PCU
2 - Working Groups on Governance and Ecosystem Based Management: Introduction
Objectives, structure and expected outcomes of the session 2
Wojciech Wawrzynski, ICES
Introduction to the toolkits
Lauren Wenzel, U.S. NOAA
Presentation of the toolkits (10’ for each toolkit)
- Governance (Ellen Johanessen, ICES)
- LME Strategic Approach (Lucy Scott, IOC/UNESCO)
- LME Project Approach (Stephen Donkor, IOC/UNESCO)
- Environmental Economics (Luke Brander, IUCN)
- Stakeholder Participation (Ana Guzman, CI) & LME Scorecard (Johanna Polsenberg, CI)
- Marine Spatial Planning (Clare Waldmann, s.Pro)
Linking the toolkits
Ivica Trumbic, GEF LME:LEARN PCU
EU MSP Roadmap and interaction with the LME community
Alejandro Iglesias-Campos, UNESCO-IOC
3 - Working Groups on Governance and Ecosystem-Based Management: Discussing the toolkits
4 – Capacity Development Session
Launch of the LME Massive Online Open Course and discussion
Emma Kelley, U.S. NOAA
The LME Agenda: Implementing Strategic Action Programmes and the SDGs
David Vousden, Consultant
Preview of the two training sessions:
Communications and Spatial Data Management Training Opportunity (GRID)
Miles MacMillanLawler, GRID-Arendal
Systematic integration of the economic valuation of “wet” ecosystem services into the TDASAP process (UNIDO)
Christian Susan, UNIDO
5 – Regional Networks
Summary of the Regional Networks Meetings
Natalie Degger, GEF LME:LEARN PCU
6 - Data and Information Management Working Group Session
Objectives and expected outcomes of the session
Vladimir Mamaev, UNDP
Demonstration of the LME Hub prototype Andy Jeffrey,
LME/Marine Database and Marine Portal
Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) effort in support of the UN SDGs, especially SDG14
Rebecca Shuford, U.S. NOAA
Overview Presentation: Status of Data Management in the Marine and Coastal Portfolio, Vision for Standards on Results Reporting and Discussion
Chris Patterson, LME:LEARN
Training session on the systematic integration of the economic valuation of “wet” ecosystem services into the TDA-SAP process
Session 1: Introduction to Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services
Christian Susan, UNIDO & Eduard Interwies, UNIDO
Session 2, part I: Providing a first estimation of the Economic Value of Ecosystem Services in IW-projects: Aim and Scope of a Tier 1 Economic Valuation & Setting the Scene and Scoping
Session 2, part II: Providing a first estimation of the Economic Value of Ecosystem Services in IW-projects: The Repository of Valuation Studies and Valuation Methods
Session 3, part I: In-depth economic evaluation of Ecosystem Services in IWprojects Block I: Aim and Scope of an indepth Economic Evaluation - the Policy Appraisal Context
Session 3, part II: In-depth economic evaluation of Ecosystem Services in IWprojects Block II: Basics - Scoping
Session 3, part III: In-depth economic evaluation of Ecosystem Services in IWprojects Block III: Overview of the most important valuation methodologies
Training Opportunity for GEF Projects on Communications and Website and Spatial Data
Miles Macmillan-Lawler, GRID-Arendal
Introduction to the IWLEARN toolkits: web, visualization, communications
Standards for data and information management: metadata, GeoNode, visualizing results
Hands on session on using Geonode – Uploading data, metadata and styles
Hands on session on using Geonode - Visualizing data and interactive map creation