International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

Back to basics: Double your communication's reach with the GEF IW:LEARN Communications Platform (IWL Web Series #1)

13 November 2023, 14:00-15:15 Paris, Online
This first IW:LEARN Communications Webinar will take place on Monday, 13 November 2023 at 14:00-15:15 Paris (2000 Bangkok / 1000 Buenos Aires). IW:LEARN is organizing a series of webinars and in-person regional workshops to scale up the capacity on project communications of GEF IW projects, to facilitate collective efforts in raising the profile of the GEF IW portfolio.

*This webinar is exclusive for GEF International Waters projects and partners only.

Join us for the first in a series of GEF IW:LEARN webinars and workshops, designed to help GEF IW projects tell a compelling story and communicate their results more effectively.

With IW:LEARN's support, projects with limited resources can package their information and showcase their achievements across the GEF IW portfolio and the global community. Our comprehensive communications platform includes skill-enhancing tools and events, technical support and a collaborative approach. 

Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your project outreach to the next level. Register now for the GEF IW:LEARN webinar and connect with peers from around the world!

Provisional Agenda

As of 2 November 2023

Welcome and tour de table (5 mins)

Brief introduction of IW:LEARN (5 mins)

Konstantina Toli, IW:LEARN Project Coordinator

Results of the Portfolio Survey on Data/Information Management (DIM) and Communications (5 mins)

Claudette Spiteri, IW:LEARN Project Manager

IW:LEARN Communications Platform 101 (20 mins)

  • Goals of GEF IW portfolio communications and outreach
  • Products and services provided by IW:LEARN and why use them
  • A preview into upcoming communications activities and workshops

Khristine Gudczinski, Communications Specialist /IW:LEARN Consultant

Open forum, Q&A and feedback (25 mins)

Access the video recording