IWRM manual
This guide was developed with assistance and support from many organisations, communities, government departments and individuals from the Pacifi c. The principal author was Christian Nielsen working in collaboration with Hazel Clothier, Robbie Henderson, Jady Smith and Jacob Zikuli, all from Live & Learn Environmental Education. The Global Environment Facility provided fi nancial support through the Pacifi c IWRM Project which is being implemented by UNDP, UNEP and SOPAC. The staff of Live & Learn offi ces in Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea and Maldives provided extensive network support for research and pre-testing. Of the considerable input provided by many stakeholders a special mention must be given to Rhonda Bower, Marc Overmars, James Dalton, Karen Young and the many communities who participated in pre-testing the mobilisation resources. We pass the credit for the photographs to Robbie Henderson, and for the graphics to Viola Design and Dione Brooks.