Experience Note: Participation in a Fisheries Commission and the Adoption of Conservation and Management Measures for Sustainable Use of Transboundary Oceanic Fish Stocks
2007: The OFM project’s two objectives are to improve the understanding of the transboundary oceanic fish resources and related features of the Western and Central Pacific Warm Pool Large Marine Ecosystem (WCPWP-LME) and to create new regional institutional arrangements and reform, realign and strengthen national arrangements for the conservation and management of transboundary oceanic fishery resources. The Convention that established the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission is the first major regional application of the UN Fish Stocks Agreement. The WCPF Commission receives advice and recommendations principally from committees dealing with science, an ad-hoc data task group and another on technical and compliance matters, all of which Pacific SIDS fully participate. The performance of Pacific SIDS as members of the WCPF Commission is commendable but it remains to be seen if their application and energy is sustainable in the long term. The historical development of regional cooperation resulting in the way in which Pacific SIDS contribute to regional fisheries management in the current environment may serve to provide guidance to groupings of developing States elsewhere, that share similar resource management issues.
2131: Pacific Islands Oceanic Fisheries Management Project