International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

The document library includes a wide array of outputs from projects (reports, presentations, case studies, terms of reference) as well as other content of interest to GEF International waters. Project managers and GEF International Waters staff are invited to give their feedback or submit case studies, ToRs, or other documentation to be included in the document library (

Filter: Plastic
29 Oct 2019 - English Benefit Sharing- Session 4
This session looks at a case study, the Lessons from the Sio-Malaba-Malakisi, and how benefit sharing principles were applied to the basin
29 Oct 2019 - English Benefit Sharing- Session 3
This session focused on negotiating water agreements, the types of agreements and a practical exercise
29 Oct 2019 - English Benefit Sharing- Session 2
This session focused on building scenarios, the Benefit Opportunity Analysis Tool (BOAT), and the exercise demonstrating scenarios without cooperation and with cooperation.
29 Oct 2019 - English Benefit Sharing- Introduction
Principles, concepts and applications
17 Oct 2019 Source to Sea Guide
The guide presents a general approach that can be used at all levels and can be adapted to the local context. The guide is intended to be a companion to existing project design, planning and implementation methods. It is expected that users of thi...
17 Oct 2019 Source-to-Sea Framework for Marine Litter Prevention: Preventing Plastic Leakage from River Basins
This report presents a framework for preventing marine litter based on the source-to-sea conceptual framework presented in Granit et al., 2017 and the practitioners’ guidance for implementing the source-to-sea approach in Mathews et al., 2019. Add...
13 Feb 2019 - presentation - project: 9681 - English [IWC9 Pecha Kucha] I Just Want to Say One Word to You - Plastic
Pecha kucha presentation at the 9th GEF Biennial International Waters Conference on marine plastic, given by Liana McManus, the Marine Plastic Coordinator, , UN Environment.
01 Jan 2016 - experience-notes - project: 2617 - English Experience Note : Plastic waste – A very visible indicator of pollution
2011: Plastic waste is a global issue that has received relatively little attention within the GEF IW community. It is a problem that is recognisable to a wide population and the source of the problem is often this same wide population. Plastic wa...




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