Integrated Watershed Management of the Pantanal and Upper Paraguay River Basin (GEF Pantanal/Upper Paraguay Project) - Results
GEF IDS: 583
Information sources
IWC6 Results Note (2011), UNEP Terminal Evaluation (2005)
Key Basin Project Results
1. A Geographic Information System (GIS) was created to support managing and monitoring activities as well as reduce the trafficking of wild animals.
2. Creation of the Taquari River Source State Owned Park, which extends over 30,000 sq. km, as well as the definition of area for the Pantanal-Cerrado Ecological Corridor.
3. In order to achieve better integrated environmental management, the project developed a transboundary system which covers 19 munipilaties in the Apa and Miranda river basins and will contribute significantly to the water quality within the region.
Results data |
Improved use of fish gear/techniques
Year: N/A -
Value: [see desc]
INDICATOR#2 (Aquaculture as an alternative to river harvesting of fish in the Pantanal)Rules and procedures for the establishment of sustainable fishing activities in the sub-basin were formulated, organized a collective system for the capture and commercialization of live bait fish and developed harvesting techniques that have low environmental impact. |
Catchment protection measures
Year: N/A -
Value: 3,000,000 ha
INDICATOR#2 (Conservation of the Pantanal)Creation of the Taquari River Source State Owned Park, which extends over 30,000 sq. km, as well as the definition of area for the Pantanal-Cerrado Ecological Corridor. in addition to passing a bill that created the Mato Grosso de Sul State System of Conservation Units. |
Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis: Agreement on transboundary priorities and root causes
Year: N/A -
Value: YES
Development of Strategic Action Program (SAP)
Year: N/A -
Value: TBD
INDICATOR#1 (Participating in the formulation of the SAP)The project was conceived at the time that the Brazilian Water Law was being approved, which placed special emphasis on the implementation of decentralized and participatory management of water resources at the basin level. The National Water Resources Management System which was put in place provides for the establishment of policies, plans, and regulations for the control of water use and the preservation and restoration of water resources. The project preparation phase was based on the assumption that the most effective way to actively involve main stakeholders in the project was to involve them directly in the formulation and execution of the project activities. To this end, three regional workshops were organized in the UPR basin and involved more than 200 people representing 60 institutions, while all demonstration projects and studies remained under the coordination of the institutions that originally presented them. For the execution of its activities, the project counted on consultancies that provided additional opportunities for stakeholder involvement, and a total of 116 public events took place, involving more than 4,530 participants and 258 organizations representing the federal, state, municipal and private sectors. The public consultation process on the SAP process comprised 5 public events, with the participation of 563 stakeholders, and special effort was made to coordinate actions with already existing plans, programs, and initiatives in the basin. Efforts were also made to promote international cooperation, with 4 workshops being held involving authorities from Bolivia and Paraguay from 2003-2005. The involvement of stakeholders provided a common space and meeting point for interaction and discussion among the different sectors working in the basin. The established collaboration with universities, research institutes, NGO’s, consultants, local governments, and governmental institutions created the basis for the institutional arrangements required to implement the SAP. |