Patagonian Shelf (LME) - Results
Large Marine Ecosystem
Information sources
3519: IWC6 Results Note (2011)
Key Basin Project Results
1. Enhancement and development of new framework and capacities for bilateral and inter-jurisdictional cooperation in the harmonization of reduction of land based sources of pollution, it’s prevention and mitigation.
2. Innovative platforms to enhance collaboration between public and private sectors (Public-Private Partnership) will be established through Cleaner Production (CP) approaches with strong replication potential for up scaling throughout industrial sectors. Highly replicable pilot projects for testing these new approaches of land-based pollution mitigation will be implemented.
3. Bi-national Water Quality Monitoring Program and an Integrated Bi-national Environmental Information System will provide critical management tools to support decision-making, planning processes and technical interventions.
Results data |
Industrial wastewater pollution reduction
Year: N/A -
Value: [see desc]
INDICATOR # 1 Cleaner Production plans formulated and agreed with stakeholdersFurther, countries have established inter-jurisdictional national committees (ie RIIGLO - Network of Local RPMF Governments) in which local authorities are actively involved in monitoring and control of water quality, and in the development of collaborative public-private approaches to of reducing and controlling pollution. The Interjurisdictional Municipal Commissions works to strengthen relations between the authorities at national, provincial and local levels in order to harmonize standards and develop mechanisms for control and prevention of pollution. The key stakeholders (industry, public service companies and NGOs) are involved in the implementation of Cleaner Production (CP) to reduce point pollution loads in order to reduce toxic stress of RPMF. (#3519, La Plata Maritime Front SAP) |
Establishment of country-specific inter-ministerial committees
Year: N/A -
Value: YES
INDICATOR # 1 Effective national inter-ministry coordinationUnder the project structure (Steering Committee) both countries have achieved an adequate institutional framework, where bilateral commissions (CARP and CTMFM) of Treaty of RPMF beside the national environmental agencies are involved (at highest political level) in the leadership of the Project to ensure a sustainable implementation of NAPs through public policies and government programs. (#3519, La Plata Maritime Front SAP) |
Regional legal agreements and cooperation frameworks
Year: 1969 -
Value: YES
Instrument: La Plata Basin Treaty 1969GEF Project: INDICATOR # 1 A Monitoring Program of water quality agreed at binational level. National and bi-national institutions are working to implement a sustainable Integrated Monitoring Program and water quality indicators (physical/chemical, microbiological and biological) for the national exclusive jurisdiction and Common Use Waters of the Rio de la Plata. The information generated in the monitoring program (31 parameters), will allow to asses the quality of water and sediments, identifying changes in the contaminants levels (mg / l ug / g) and the state of the environment of RPMF. (#3519, La Plata Maritime Front SAP) |
Regional Management Institutions
Year: N/A -
Value: YES
Body: CIC-PlataGEF Project: INDICATOR # 2 Financial sustainability of joint transboundary waters institutions The Project Steering Committee has established funding mechanisms to ensure the financing sustainability of the Integrated Monitoring Program (IMP) and the Bi-National Integrated Information System (IBIS). National and bi-national institutions with responsibility on monitoring water quality in the project area (navy, environmental agencies, hydrographic services), and those related in the maintenance or inputs provision for the IBIS (universities, fisheries agencies), have agreed a strategy of co-financing of IBIS and the IMP during the project, which will be the basis for ensuring their long term sustainability (#3519, La Plata Maritime Front SAP) |
Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis: Agreement on transboundary priorities and root causes
Year: N/A -
Value: YES
Development of Strategic Action Program (SAP)
Year: N/A -
Value: YES