International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

Guaraní - Results

GEF IDS: 974



Information sources
IWC6 Results Note (2011)

Key Basin Project Results
1. One of the main outcomes of the Project is the establishment of the institutional mechanism to coordinate the activities of the four countries in the management of Guarani Aquifer System (GAS) that did not exist before the Project. The Project also extended this new culture of cooperation among specialists, universities and institutions in the four countries.
2. Technical and scientific studies conducted through the Project concluded that lateral movement of groundwater in the GAS is very slow and impacts from over pumping and pollution are highly localized. Therefore, management of the aquifer is essentially a local set of activities. The four countries now have a good understanding and feel much more confident to develop and manage the aquifer individually without worrying about wide-ranging regional/transboundary impacts. It would have been very difficult to get to this point and to have this shared understanding without having a regional project.
3. As a preventive project, the key performance indicators basically targeted the reduction of future risks:
(i) pollution risks diminished or controlled;
(ii) overdraft risks diminished or stabilized;
(iii) future inter-country groundwater conflicts risk diminished; and
(iv) future mitigation and stabilization costs reduced.

Results data
Aquifer pumping reduction
Year: N/A - Value: [see desc]
INDICATOR#3 – In the Concordia-Salto area, studies indicated that there is a potential for overexploiting geothermal water resources and measures were designed for limiting groundwater competitive extraction through well spacing and other relevant measures for new geothermal development.
Regional legal agreements and cooperation frameworks
Year: 2003 - Value: YES
May 2003. All four basin states signed the "Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development of the Guarani Aquifer System" agreement
Regional Management Institutions
Year: N/A - Value: NO
INDICATOR#1 – Establishment of an institutional framework: The countries, through the Steering Committee (at multi-country level), the National Project Execution Units (one per country), and the Regional Coordination Unit, has established the institutional framework.

The Project successfully defined the institutional framework necessary for the management of the GAS. With the support from the Project, different institutional frameworks at all levels (regional, national and local) remained operational and the countries have committed to continue with activities and institutional nucleus created through the Project beyond the project duration. The approval of the SAP that defines the future sustainable management framework of the GAS also testifies to the commitment by the governments and attests the success of the Project.
Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis: Agreement on transboundary priorities and root causes
Year: N/A - Value: YES
Development of Strategic Action Program (SAP)
Year: N/A - Value: YES
INDICATOR#2 – Existence of SAP: The SAP was finalized and approved by the SC. The SAP has now become a living document to lead the joint and individual actions of the countries