- Supporting Sustainable Inclusive Blue Economy Transformation in AIO SIDS
- Sustainable Groundwater Management In SADC Member States Project Phase 2
- Third South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Governance and Shared Growth Project (SWIOFish3)
- A Ridge-to-Reef Approach for the Integrated Management of Marine, Coastal and Terrestrial Ecosystems in the Seychelles
- Western Indian Ocean LMEs Strategic Action Programme Policy Harmonization and Institutional Reforms SAPPHIRE Project
- Sustainable Groundwater Management in SADC Member States
- Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the Protection of the Western Indian Ocean from Land-based Sources and Activities
- Implementing Integrated Water Resource and Wastewater Management in Atlantic and Indian Ocean SIDS
- Demonstrating and Capturing Best Practices and Technologies for the Reduction of Land-sourced Impacts Resulting from Coastal Tourism (COAST)
- Western Indian Ocean Marine Highway Development and Coastal and Marine Contamination Prevention Project
- Programme for the Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems: Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems Project (ASCLME)
- Addressing Land-based Activities in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO-LaB)
- Southwest Indian Ocean Fisheries Project (SWIOFP)
- Development and Protection of the Coastal and Marine Environment in Sub-Saharan Africa (CMEA)
- Western Indian Ocean Islands Oil Spill Contingency Planning