4.4 - Project Steering Committees
GEF IW project experiences on PSCs are available here and examples of ToRs for PSC meetings here.
The Project Steering Committee (PSC) is the main oversight and decision making body within the project. Typically the PSC includes: government representatives, donors, regional NGOs, GEF Agencies with the PCU acting as the secretariat. The members of the PSC are usually identified in the Project Document or in the project start-up phase with a draft terms of reference being presented to the first PSC for approval.
The PSC would be expected to:
- Approve project outputs (e.g. reports, TDAs, SAPs, website, etc.);
- Approve the project budget for the coming year(s), subject to subsequent agreement with the GEF Agencies;
- Accept / comment on project expenditure for prior years;
- Agree changes to the project budget (again subject to the conditions of the GEF Grant and the requirements of the GEF Agencies);
- Agree to modifications to the Project Logical Framework
- Approve the Projects M&E reports on project performance (and to take note of progress with respect to project indicators)
- Agree project communications and other publicity related activities;
- Endorse the final outputs of the project;
- Facilitate national discussions on action plans and the formation of inter-ministerial committees;