International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

Small Island Developing States: Addressing SIDS Vulnerabilities Through Regional Cooperation

When it comes to implementation of regional and transboundary issues, Small Island Developing States (SIDS), like all coastal and island countries, may face additional challenges. A common trait shared by nearly all SIDS is an increased vulnerability to economic and environmental shocks. SIDS heightened economic vulnerability can be traced back to economic constraints, including a lack of access to markets, diseconomies of scale, and restricted pools of human and other capital.

Special thanks goes to Andrew Hume who developed this policy brief on behalf of GEF LME:LEARN.


These publications may be reproduced in whole or in part and in any form for educational or non-profit purposes without special permission from the copyright holder, provided acknowledgment of the source is made. For bibliographic purposes, this policy brief should be cited as:

  • GEF LME:LEARN, 2020. Small Island Developing States: Addressing SIDS Vulnerabilities Through Regional Cooperation. Paris, France.