LME:LEARN supports twinning exchanges in between GEF LME/ICM/MPA projects, with various intergovernmental and governmental institutions (e.g., IOC, NOAA, etc.), as well as educational and research institutions. The activity brings together project managers, scientists and technical experts, non-governmental organization leaders, and policy makers for exchanges of project experiences and lessons learned during multi-day or week “learning missions.” The exchanges enable participating institutions to share experience and learn from each other in practical ways through collaborative face-to-face interactions and “hands on” workshops (one to five days), short term visits to projects and regional institutes (one to three weeks) or short personnel visits (usually a week in duration).
The objectives of twinning activities include the exchange of project experience and expertise at the operational level; project management capacity development for more effective protection of shared resources and sustainable management of LMEs; and knowledge management capcity development.
Although a majority of twinnings are done on the basis of pre-determined capacity building needs, there is additional funding to support previously unforeseen interactions. Projects are therefore encouraged to submit their proposals.
In order to submit twinning proposals, projects are to fill out a proposal form. Upon completion of the twinning, participants are asked to fill out an Twinning Report and Evaluation form to reflect on the outcomes, impact and follow up actions as a result of the learning exchange.
Pacific IW R2R Regional Knowledge Exchange: Improved Domestic Pig Waste Management
Gulf of Mexico Marine Protected Areas Network
Creating a trilateral cooperation between Cuba, Mexico and the USA