SIP-Eastern Nile Transboundary Watershed Management in Support of ENSAP Implementation
The Project Development Objective and Global Environment Objective are to increase the adoption of sustainable land and water management practices in selected micro-watersheds in the Eastern Nile Sub-basin. A second GEO is to develop a framework for integrated and sustainable management of Lake Nasser/Nubia Sub-basin.
Germany's Ambassador to Uganda, H.E.Klaus Dieter Düxmann delivers a speech during Regional Nile Day celebrations 2014 in Kampala
NBI Secretariat Communications Specialist explains NBI's core functions to H.E Edward Ssekandi during Nile Day 2014
NBI's Librarian eplains communication and knowldge products produced by NBI, to H.E Edward Ssekandi and other dignatories
Nile Basin citizens participate in a march in Kampala City during Regional Nile Day celebrations 2014
Nile-COM Chair, Hon. Jemma Nunu Kumba hands over books on wetlands management for primary schools, to the Headteacher of Nakasero P.School, during Regional Nile Day celebrations 2014
Uganda's Vice President, H.E. Edward Ssekandi was the Guest of Honor during Regional Nile Day celebrations 2014
Nile-COM members lead other celebrants in a march through Kampala City, in commemoration of Nile Day 2014
School Children march during regional Nile Day Celebrations 2014 held in Kampala on 21 Feb
The Executive Director of the NBI Secretariat, Eng. Teferra Beyene welcomes Regional Nile Day 2014 celebrants
Uganda's Minister of State for Water, Hon. Betty Bigombe welcomes Nile Day 2014 celebrants to the event