SCS:LEARN - Stories from the South China Sea: Short Mackerel
19 Apr 2018
This is the 2nd in a series of short films presenting the issue of the overexploitation of one of Southeast Asia's iconic short pelagic species. Actions of governments, fishing communities and civil society organisations to safeguard short mackerel (Rastrelliger brachysoma) stocks in the South China Sea are highlighted. Threats associated with global demand for seafood from Southeast Asia are discussed briefly in the context of the need to think globally, and act locally. Please follow and like this page to see more films, and also share with your colleagues and other ocean leaders to help spread the word of the many successes being achieved here in Southeast Asia. A film by the GEF/UNEP/Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Cooperation Project "Establishment and Operation of a Regional System of Fisheries Refugia in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand"