International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

[MedPartnership] Enhancing management effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas in Algeria, Croatia, and Turkey [Experience Note]

Within the MedPartnership project, WWF's intervention responded to the need to protect marine and coastal biodiversity of the Mediterranean by enhancing the management effectiveness of existing MPAs in the project countries. Through a combination of initiatives at regional and national level, WWF addressed several shortfalls that could have prevented project MPAs from becoming operational. Specifically, WWF guided 7 MPAs in Algeria, Turkey and Croatia through the first phases of MPA implementation and ensured their development from a dormant state into an operational state. The project assisted in training and equipping staff, standardizing management plans, providing scientifically sound monitoring, and approved zoning plans. The real strength of WWF's approach was the adoption of a participatory approach, where stakeholder engagement in MPA ‘business’ was key to developing ownership and securing buy-in from local communities and stakeholders (including fishermen), as well as endorsement from national and local governments.

2600: Strategic Partnership for the Mediterranean Large Marine Ecosystem--Regional Component: Implementation of agreed actions for the protection of the environmental resources of the Mediterranean Sea and its coastal areas

24 Apr 2019

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[MedPartnership] Enhancing management effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas in Algeria, Croatia, and Turkey [Experience Note].pdf