International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

Experience Note: How Codes of Good Agricultural Practices Contribute to Nutrient Reduction

2006: The overall project development objective has been to increase significantly the use of environment-friendly agricultural practices in the project area and thereby reduce nutrient discharge from agricultural sources in Romania to the Danube River and Black Sea. The issue was strengthening national policy and regulatory capacity regarding water protection against pollution with nutrients originating from agriculture. The project addressed the through two activities: (i) providing technical assistance (training) to the Romanian Ministries related to the application of the EU Nitrate Directive; and, more specifically, (ii) preparing, editing and printing the Code of Good Agricultural Practices, coupled with (iiii) testing and demonstration of environment friendly agricultural practices. This experience is central to implementing nutrient reduction in transboundary waters.

1159: Romania: Agricultural Pollution Control Project - under WB-GEF Strategic Partnership for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River and Black Sea

27 Nov 2014

Experience Note: How Codes of Good Agricultural Practices Contribute to Nutrient Reduction.pdf

Experience Notes