PEMSEA newsletter Vol. VI Issue No.06 (2005)
The Provincial Government of Bataan has taken the initial steps in the development of a Coastal-Use Zoning Plan (CUZP) to strengthen the management of coastal areas in the province. The Inception Workshop on CUZP for Bataan held from 8-9 June brought together 73 participants from local government units, various regional government agencies and other provinces within the Manila Bay area to discuss the advantages of a CUZP, study the steps required for its development, and produce an Action Plan to guide the participants in implementing a CUZP project.
597: Building Partnerships for the Environmental Protection and Management of the East Asian Seas
PEMSEA newsletter Vol. VI Issue No.06 (2005).pdf
Gulf of Thailand (LME)
Sulu-Celebes Sea (LME)
South China Sea (LME)
East China Sea (LME)
Yellow Sea (LME)