PEMSEA newsletter Vol. VIII Issue No.03 (2007)
Our community used to look like a dump site. No one collected the garbage and people were throwing their wastes everywhere — in the canals, empty lots and even in the small spaces between the houses. The bad smell from the garbage was causing all sorts of sickness, but people were unaware of this.” Such is the perspective of Ms. Chap Vanna, who leads the community-based waste collection system in Village 1, Sangkat 4, Sihanoukville, Cambodia.
597: Building Partnerships for the Environmental Protection and Management of the East Asian Seas
PEMSEA newsletter Vol. VIII Issue No.03 (2007).pdf
Gulf of Thailand (LME)
Sulu-Celebes Sea (LME)
South China Sea (LME)
East China Sea (LME)
Yellow Sea (LME)