International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

The document library includes a wide array of outputs from projects (reports, presentations, case studies, terms of reference) as well as other content of interest to GEF International waters. Project managers and GEF International Waters staff are invited to give their feedback or submit case studies, ToRs, or other documentation to be included in the document library (

Filter: Lake and Transboundary Waters
21 Jun 2020 - newsletter - project: 5674 - English [LEAF II] Issue No.9 February 2020: NELSAP NEWS
A newsletter of the Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program, NELSAP-CU (Published on 10 March 2020).
21 Jun 2020 - newsletter - project: 5674 - English [LEAF II] Issue No.7 April 2019: NELSAP NEWS
A newsletter of the Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program, NELSAP-CU (Published on 16 May 2019).
20 Jun 2020 - newsletter - project: 5674 - English [LEAF II] Issue No.5 January-March 2018: NELSAP NEWS
A newsletter of the Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program, NELSAP-CU (Published on 11 June 2018).
06 Jun 2019 - report - project: 4489 - English [TWAP] VOLUME 2: Transboundary Lakes and Reservoirs — Status and Future Trends
Volume 2 focuses on the first global-scale assessment of transboundary lake and reservoir basins, including consideration of their unique features, the pressures and risks to their life-supporting ecosystem goods and services expressed in terms of...
06 Jun 2019 - report - project: 4489 - English [TWAP] Summary for Policy Makers - VOLUME 2: Transboundary Lakes and Reservoirs — Status and Future Trends (English)
Volume 2 focuses on the first global-scale assessment of transboundary lake and reservoir basins, including consideration of their unique features, the pressures and risks to their life-supporting ecosystem goods and services expressed in terms of...
06 Jun 2019 - report - project: 4489 - French [TWAP] Lacs et réservoirs transfrontières - État et tendances - RÉSUMÉ À L’INTENTION DES DÉCIDEURS
Volume 2 focuses on the first global-scale assessment of transboundary lake and reservoir basins, including consideration of their unique features, the pressures and risks to their life-supporting ecosystem goods and services expressed in terms of...
06 Jun 2019 - report - project: 4489 - Spanish [TWAP] Lagos y embalses transfronterizos - Situación y Tendencias - RESUMEN PARA LOS RESPONSABLES DE FORMULAR POLÍTICAS
Volume 2 focuses on the first global-scale assessment of transboundary lake and reservoir basins, including consideration of their unique features, the pressures and risks to their life-supporting ecosystem goods and services expressed in terms of...
06 Jun 2019 - report - project: 4489 - Chinese [TWAP] Summary for Policy Makers - VOLUME 2: Transboundary Lakes and Reservoirs — Status and Future Trends (Chinese)
Volume 2 focuses on the first global-scale assessment of transboundary lake and reservoir basins, including consideration of their unique features, the pressures and risks to their life-supporting ecosystem goods and services expressed in terms of...
06 Jun 2019 - report - project: 4489 - Arabic [TWAP] Summary for Policy Makers - VOLUME 2: Transboundary Lakes and Reservoirs — Status and Future Trends (Arabic)
Volume 2 focuses on the first global-scale assessment of transboundary lake and reservoir basins, including consideration of their unique features, the pressures and risks to their life-supporting ecosystem goods and services expressed in terms of...
06 Jun 2019 - report - project: 4489 - Russian [TWAP] Summary for Policy Makers - VOLUME 2: Transboundary Lakes and Reservoirs — Status and Future Trends (Russian)
Volume 2 focuses on the first global-scale assessment of transboundary lake and reservoir basins, including consideration of their unique features, the pressures and risks to their life-supporting ecosystem goods and services expressed in terms of...
06 Jun 2019 - report - project: 4489 - English [TWAP] VOLUME 3: Transboundary River Basins — Status and Trends
Volume 3 presents the results of the first global assessment of transboundary river basins. The world’s 286 transboundary river basins span 151 countries, including more than 40% of the Earth’s population and land area (Figure 1). They support the...
21 May 2014 - publication International waters – delivering results 2012
This publication highlights UNDP-GEF International Waters portfolio results achieved across four UNDP-GEF ‘signature’ programmes: Large Marine Ecosystems; Transboundary Lakes, Rivers and Aquifers; Integrated Water Resources and Coast...




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