International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

[Nutrient Reduction/Best Management Practice] Moldova - Agricultural Pollution Control Project

The overall objective of the Agricultural Pollution Control Project in Moldova was to reduce nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorous) pollution from agricultural sources in the river Danube and the Black Sea. The project assisted the Government of Moldova to: (i) promote the adoption of environment-friendly practices in crop and livestock production and in rural agro-industries that contribute to nutrient pollution, including wetland and integrated watershed management; (ii) strengthen national policy, regulatory and institutional capacity for agricultural nutrient pollution control; and (iii) promote a broad public awareness campaign and replication strategy.

2746: Promoting Replication of Good Practices for Nutrient Reduction and Joint Collaboration in Central and Eastern Europe

23 May 2019

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[Nutrient Reduction/Best Management Practice] Moldova - Agricultural Pollution Control Project.pdf