The document library includes a wide array of outputs from projects (reports, presentations, case studies, terms of reference) as well as other content of interest to GEF International waters. Project managers and GEF International Waters staff are invited to give their feedback or submit case studies, ToRs, or other documentation to be included in the document library (
Documents |
Filter: 2584 |
04 Jun 2014
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- project: 1094
Socio-Economic Development and Benefit Sharing This project aims to promote socio-economic cooperation and development in the Nile Basin countries through further cooperation, dialogue, exchange, and integration of the Nile countries in their quest for development and poverty eradication. |
04 Jun 2014
- 2584
- project: 1094
Efficient Water Use for Agricultural Production The objective of this project is to provide a sound conceptual and practical basis for Nile riparian countries to increase the availability and efficient use of water for agricultural production. |
10 Jan 2014
- 2584
- project: 1094
FAO Training Manual for International Watercourses/River Basins including Law, Negotiation, Conflict Resolution and Simulation Training Exercises (2007) [6.2 MB] The project which led to the development of this training manual grew out of discussions with Stefano Burchi, Director of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Legal Development Division at FAO in Rome, and his colleagu... |
23 Apr 2010
- 2584
- project: 1094
Nile Basin(NTEAP) EE Brochure |
23 Apr 2010
- 2584
- project: 1094
NTEAP Newsletter Vol 1 - Issue 1 This is the maiden issue of the Nile Transboundary Environmental Action Project (NTEAP) quarterly Newsletter. The NTEAP is one of the seven projects under the Nile Basin Initiative Shared Vision Program. The objective of this project is to provide... |
23 Apr 2010
- 2584
- project: 1094
NTEAP Newsletter Vol 1 - Issue 2 The third quarter of 2004 has come to an end. Actually for the NTEAP it is the first quarter since the project’s work plan was approved at the end of May 2004 by the Steering Committee. The first half of 2004 was devoted to the start up act... |
23 Apr 2010
- 2584
- project: 1094
NTEAP Newsletter Vol 1 - Issue 3 T his is the last issue in 2004. The NTEAP has attempted to keep our readers abreast of progress and events related to NBI. The last quarter of 2004 saw the conduct of important meetings. In November the Prince of Orange visited the NBI headquart... |
23 Apr 2010
- 2584
- project: 1094
NTEAP Newsletter Vol 2 - Issue 1 T his is the first issue in 2005. The three issues of 2004 informed our readers on the launch of the project and the first steering committee meeting, provided information on the NTEAP and the NBI, NTEAP missions to NBI countries, and gave brief a... |
23 Apr 2010
- 2584
- project: 1094
NTEAP Newsletter Vol 2 - Issue 2 This is the second issue of NTEAP Newsletter in 2005. The first issue highlighted the high level political commitment of member countries, increased cooperation among stakeholder groups and the heightened communication and knowledge exchange as ev... |
23 Apr 2010
- 2584
- project: 1094
NTEAP Newsletter Vol 2 - Issue 3 A significant milestone was the completion of the basin wide stakeholder consultations on the contents and the target audience for the Nile River Awareness kit, currently under development. The climax of the consultations was the meeting held with... |
23 Apr 2010
- 2584
- project: 1094
NTEAP Newsletter Vol 2 - Issue 4 This is the last issue of NTEAP Newsletter in 2005 . The focus during the quarter was on the preparations for the 3rd NTEAP Steering committee meeting. The Steering Committee is an annual event which brings together steering Committee Members fro... |
23 Apr 2010
- 2584
- project: 1094
NTEAP Newsletter Vol 3 - Issue 1 This first issue of the NTEAP Newsletter in 2006 focuses on water; marking of the World Water Day, March 22 and the occasion of the 4th World Water Forum held in Mexico City, March 16 to 22, 2006. Water is needed for all aspects of life; human con... |
23 Apr 2010
- 2584
- project: 1094
NTEAP Newsletter Vol 3 - Issue 2 The April-June quarter was action packed with series of workshops, both regional and national, preparations and participation in the NBI Council of Ministers (Nile COM) meeting, preparations for the World Environment Day (WED) etc . A remarkable ... |
23 Apr 2010
- 2584
- project: 1094
NTEAP Newsletter Vol 3 - Issue 3 This issue of the Nile Environment covers various activities of the third quarter, including microgrants, the impacts of macro and sectoral policies on the environment in the Nile basin and environment education and public awareness. NTEAP is very... |
23 Apr 2010
- 2584
- project: 1094
NTEAP Newsletter Vol 3 - Issue 4 The last quarter of 2006 was indeed a busy one for NTEAP. The high lights of the quarter were the Mid Term Review, the participation in the Nile Basin Development Forum (NBDF), the NBI results based system develpment and the second staff retreat.... |
23 Apr 2010
- 2584
- project: 1094
NTEAP Newsletter Vol 4 - Issue 1 This issue of the Nile Environment has focused on the Nile day celebrations because of its historical importance and its significance in raising awareness in a concerted manner on the challenges of achieving the vision of NBI. The fact that many ... |
23 Apr 2010
- 2584
- project: 1094
NTEAP Newsletter Vol 4 - issue 2 The April-June newsletter is a special edition. It focuses on the World Environment Day (WED) and the Nile Environment Week activities. It flags the threat of global warming, raises awareness while showcasing the participation of stakeholders in t... |
23 Apr 2010
- 2584
- project: 1094
NTEAP Newsletter Vol 4 - issue 3 The July –September quarter was quite challenging for NTEAP. The major activity during the quarter was the resubmission exercise for the second tranche of UNDP GEF and this took substantial time of the project management unit. |
23 Apr 2010
- 2584
- project: 1094
Project document for nile river basin 2 The objective of the project is to protect critical Nile Basin ecosystems from transboundary threats through the provision of a strategic environmental framework and the engagement of stakeholders according to the principles of Integrated Water ... |
23 Apr 2010
- 2584
- project: 1094
Nile News Volume 4-French French version of the NBI July-Sept 07 newsletter |