International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network


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ADRIPLAN. (n.d). Application of Marxan tool to the Adriatic-Ionian Region and Emilia Romagna subarea. Practice Description.

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BalticLINes. 2016. Shipping in the Baltic Sea – Past, present and future developments relevant for Maritime Spatial Planning. Project Report I.

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Baltic SCOPE. 2017a. Coherent Cross-border Maritime Spatial Planning for the Southwest Baltic Sea – Results from Baltic SCOPE.

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Baltic Sea Region MSP Data Expert sub-group.

Barents 2020. (n.d.). Assessment of international standards for safe exploration, production and transportation of oil and gas in the Barents Sea. Final report, Phase 4.

Beyer, B., Schultz-Zehden, A., Vollmann, T., Cahill, B., Roß, A. and C. Coornaert. 2017. Towards and Implementation Strategy for the Sustainable Blue Growth agenda for the Baltic Sea Region.

Blaesbjerg, M., Pawlak, J., Sorenson, T.K., and O. Vestergaard. 2009. Towards area-based management of sandeels in the North Sea: the role of large-scale connectivity.

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BOEM. 2015. Real-time Opportunity for Development Environmental Observations (RODEO).

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Crona, J.S., Ruskule, A., Kopti, M., Käppeler, B., Dael, S. and M. Wesołowska. 2017. The Ecosystem Approach in Maritime Spatial Planning: A Checklist Toolbox. Baltic SCOPE Project.

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European Commission. 2004. Project Cycle Management Guidelines. Brussels: EuropeAid Cooperation Office.

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European Commission. 2010. Study on the economic effects of Maritime Spatial Planning.. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

European Commission. 2017a. Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security (CTI- CFF). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

European Commission. 2017b. Study on Cross-border Cooperation on Maritime Spatial Planning. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

European Commission. 2017c. Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCALMR). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

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European Commission. 2017g. Rhode Island Ocean Special Area Management Plan. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

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Kanbanize. Kanban explained for beginners.

Kannen, A., Gee, K., Blazauskas, N., Cormier, R., Dahl, K., Göke, C., Morf, A., Ross, A. and A. Schultz-Zehden. 2016). BONUS BALTSPACE Deliverable 3.2: A Catalogue of Approaches and Tools for MSP.

Kappel, C.V., Halpern, S., Budreski, K., Healy, D., Napoli, N., Starbuck, K. and S. Moura. 2012. Mapping Cumulative Impacts of Human Activities on Marine Ecosystems (03.NCEAS.12) Boston: SeaPlan.

Käppeler, B. Toben, S., Chmura, G., Walkowicz, S., Nolte, N., Schmidt, P., Lamp, J., Göke, C. and C. Mohn. 2012. Developing a Pilot Maritime Spatial Plan for the Pomeranian Bight and Arkona Basin. BaltSeaPlan Report 9.

Lukic, I., Schultz-Zehden, A. and L.S. de Grunt. 2018. Handbook for developing Visions in MSP. Technical Study under the Assistance Mechanism for the Implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

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McCann, J. and S. Schumann. 2013. The Rhode Island Ocean Special Area Management Plan: Managing Ocean Resources Through Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning A Practitioner’s Guide. Narragansett, R.I. : University of Rhode Island Coastal Resources Center/Rhode Island Sea Grant College Program.

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Panorama Marine and Coastal Solutions Portal.

PERSEUS Adaptive Marine Policy Toolbox.

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Schultz-Zehden, A. and K. Gee. 2014. MSP Governance Framework Report from the PartiSEAPate project.

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Sweden: MSP Platform.

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The Nature Conservacy. (n.d). Atlas of the Ocean Wealth.

The Nature Conservacy (n.d). Seychelles Debt Restructuring for Marine Conservation and Climate Adaptation.

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UNDP. 2017. Debt for Nature Swaps.

UNEP. 2011. Taking Steps toward Marine and Coastal Ecosystem-Based Management - An Introductory Guide. Nairobi: UNEP

United Kingdom: MSP Platform.

Urtāne, I., Kedo, K., Vološina, M., Ruskule, A., Ustups, D., Āboltiņš, R., Aigars, J., Sprukta, S., Konsap, A., Aps, R., Kopti, M., Kotta, J., Kull, A., Rosenhall, E., Schmidtbauer Crona, J. and T. Selnes. 2017. Towards Coherent Cross-Border Maritime Spatial Planning in the Central Baltic Sea – Case Study Report.

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